Over the years, customers have asked me if I take on 1-on-1 coaching clients.
My answer was “no”, because I have been way too busy actually DOING instead of “talking” about these things.
Recently though, I decided to take a break from my daily operations and share my proven process with a few select clients.
So, what can you expect?
You will learn how to build an online micro-business that:
- Doesn’t require you to create products.
- Doesn’t require you to do customer support.
- You can run from anywhere in the World.
- Makes a full-time income.
This isn’t for everyone. Only get in touch if:
- You can devote 2-3 hours a day.
- Are able to follow directions.
- Want to offer people real value and not just “make moniez” at all costs.
What’s the investment?
If I accept you as a client, the price will be $3,995, plus 10% royalties on your profits, as they come in, until they reach another $2,000. Then, the royalties go away.
This is peanuts, because you will be able to make all this and more every month.
As a bonus, you will get access to my proprietary software that makes it simple to build an online presence and get free traffic.
The coaching will be done 100% via email. I don’t like using phone or Skype.
It will last 8 weeks.
Is this guaranteed?
If you do what I tell you, it’s impossible to not make a profit. It took me years to get my process “just right”, but now it’s fail-proof.
If you don’t make your investment back within 2 months, and show me proof you did what I told you, then I will work with you until you are successful – or refund your money.
Here’s what to do now:
If you are interested, fill in the form below, and let’s get the ball rolling.
You should expect an email answer from me (whether I accept you as a client or not), within three business days.
To your success,
George Katsoudas.
[Fully booked for now. Enrollment closed. Thanks.]